Autism and Silent Discos: An Inclusive Party for All

Any parent knows that it’s challenging to find things to do with their kids every week.  It’s even more challenging for parents of autistic children because they have to consider the amount of external stimuli that occur, be it sound, lights, and/or interactions with others.

Silent discos have become a great way for many kids and adults on the spectrum to experience a  fun dance party without the anxiety of the loud music. Each headphone has it’s own volume control so the audio can be as loud or soft(low) as desired.  When you take the headphones off, there aren’t any speakers playing music so it’s as if you were just in a room with a lot of people talking.

What’s even more special is that everyone, regardless if they are on the spectrum, has headphones on.  This gives everyone the feeling of belonging to the same party. Quiet Events takes it a step further by having our DJ’s appear as if they are battling one another.  Each DJ has a channel color, so they try to create micro communities: “team red”, “team blue”, and “team green”.  Very often there’s only one person listening to red and dancing like no one else.  This is okay and is exactly what to expect in a silent disco.

Quiet Events would love to opportunity to put on a party for your school or organization.  We think it’s important that everyone, has the opportunity to experience music in a way that encourages singing, dancing, laughing, and togetherness!

 As one of our recent clients attested, “The Quiet Event Concept was a great way to allow students with autism and other sensory input differences the opportunity to socialize and interact with their peers.  The headphones leveled the playing field.  Students from different classifications (autism, physical disabilities, emotional disturbances, etc.)  interacted with each other in ways that we have not seen before.  Students were able to choose their playlist and volume.  Staff had a great time as well. We will definitely do this event again.”

Kids with ADD & ADHD love Silent Discos

At the age of 17 William Petz, the CEO of Quiet Events was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.  Having friends and family being diagnosed with the disorder as well, he is all too familiar with the challenges, assumptions and prejudgments that come along with it.

In 2017 Quiet Events started hosting kid silent discos so that parents that were having so much fun at night could take their kids to experience it during the day time.   Parents quickly noticed that their kids that normally would run around, scream, and be destructive were more focused at a Quiet Event silent disco.

Wearing a pair of headphones changes the dynamics in so three major ways which helps cope with children with ADD or ADHD.

  1. Quiet Events headphones block out any external noise distractions that may cause a child to change their focus.
  2. Having 3 stations to switch between anytime you want, gives the control to change if the child gets board.
  3. The Quiet Event DJs put on a show, talking to the crowd, making them scream, sing, dance, and building an interactive experience that keep their attention.

Quiet Events is always looking for ways to bring people together, have fun and enjoy music in ways that were not possible before.  If you have a story about how Quiet Events affected you or your children, we’d love to hear it.


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Tags: autism